The Polyphonic Group
“Claudio Monteverdi” presents a very wide
repertoire, with compositions from the 1500’s and the Baroque
period by Palestrina, Da Victoria, Gallus, Viadana, Hassler, Monteverdi.
Among the Romantic authors, we can find: Schubert, Schumann, Sibelius,
and Rossini.
Concerning the modern polyphony: Poulenc, Kodaly, Bardos, Pizzetti,
and Orff. Traditional singing is not left behind, always proposed
in elaborations suitable for the choir’s needs.
Francesco Corteccia, born in Arezzo in 1502, spent most of his life in Florence. He became a cappella Maestro in “S. Lorenzo” and to the Medici’s court. He composed two collections of madrigals and various collections of sacred music, he is particularly interesting for his two “Passions”, according to John (1527) and according to Matthew (1532), which represent the first attempts (in Italy) of Passion in the form of mottoes.
Giacomo Carissimi, born in Marino, near Rome in 1605 was, in his younger years, very active as singer and organist in Tivoli’s dome and cappella Maestro in Assisi’s dome. In 1630 he was called in Rome to S. Apollinare’s church, which he never left.
Testi di poeti regionali rivissuti nelle musiche di compositori friulani e giuliani.